Verbal and Reasoning

A general aptitude exam evaluates a candidate’s capacity for applying reasoning to the solution of challenging issues. It is a person’s natural, taught, or acquired capacity to carry out particular duties. Regardless of any specific skill, it aids in evaluating a person’s basic ability to learn and comprehend.


Verbal Ability

This refers to the capacity to comprehend, analyze, and manipulate language in written or spoken form. It includes skills such as grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and interpretation of texts. Verbal ability often assesses one’s aptitude in understanding the meaning, tone, and context of written or verbal communication.

Logical Reasoning

Logical reasoning involves the ability to systematically and coherently evaluate arguments, identify patterns, and draw conclusions based on given premises. It includes deductive reasoning (drawing specific conclusions from general principles) and inductive reasoning (drawing general conclusions from specific observations). Logical reasoning is crucial in problem-solving and decision-making processes.

Verbal Reasoning

Verbal reasoning involves the ability to understand and logically evaluate written information, often in the form of passages or paragraphs. It assesses skills such as critical thinking, inference, and analysis of written material. Verbal reasoning tests may require individuals to draw conclusions, identify assumptions, or evaluate arguments based on the information provided.

Non-Verbal Reasoning

Non-verbal reasoning focuses on problem-solving using visual information rather than language-based content. It includes tasks such as pattern recognition, spatial reasoning, and logical deduction based on shapes, figures, or diagrams. Non-verbal reasoning tests assess one’s ability to analyze and manipulate visual information to solve problems or identify patterns without relying on language skills.

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Frequently asked Questions (FAQs)

   Verbal reasoning is the ability to understand and logically interpret information presented in words. It involves  comprehending written passages, identifying relationships between words, and drawing conclusions based on the provided information.

Candidates must hold a bachelor’s degree with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA (45% for SC, ST, and PwD categories). There is no age limit to apply for the CAT exam.

   – You can register for the CAT exam online through the official website during the registration period specified by the conducting IIM. The registration process typically includes filling out an application form, uploading documents, and paying the registration fee.

The CAT exam consists of three sections: Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR), and Quantitative Ability (QA). The duration of the exam is 2 hours, with 40 minutes allotted to each section.

The CAT syllabus includes topics from high school mathematics, English language skills, and logical reasoning. It’s advisable for candidates to thoroughly understand the syllabus and focus on important topics while preparing for the exam.

The CAT exam is scored on a percentile basis. The raw scores obtained by candidates are converted into scaled scores and then into percentiles, which indicate the candidate’s performance relative to other test-takers.

Yes, candidates can take the CAT exam more than once. However, it’s important to note that the best score among all attempts is considered for the admission process.

Apart from the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), several other prestigious management institutes in India accept CAT scores for admission, including Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), Faculty of Management Studies (FMS), Management Development Institute (MDI), and many more.

Preparation for the CAT exam requires a structured study plan, consistent practice, and familiarity with the exam pattern and syllabus. It’s advisable for candidates to solve previous years’ question papers, take mock tests, and enroll in coaching programs if necessary.

The CAT exam is usually conducted once a year in November or December. The official notification regarding exam dates, registration, and other important information is released by the conducting IIM in advance. Candidates should regularly check the official website for updates and announcements regarding the exam schedule.

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